Turning the lemons of change into lemonade begins with foresight. Some of the best paths to foresight run right...
Decision-making Articles

Profits or Purpose
A common perception is that a business exists to make money. While profits are critical to maintaining operations and...
Executives Should Know When To Seek Outside Help
The efficient executive wastes little time or money trying to solve problems he/she is ill-equipped to deal with.
Know When To Fire Poor Performers
Business Advisor Larry Mandelberg offers a strategic way to help avoid the tension and negativity surrounding the termination of an employee.
When Two Rights Make A Wrong
Larry Mandelberg offers advice on leadership and dissects the issues often encountered with business referrals.
Experienced Board Gives You A Leg Up
The two things that set any business apart from another similar business are staff and input from advisers. A board makes your organization accountable to an external group of knowledgeable businesspeople and will drive you to make better business decisions.
Big Change Is Necessary To Ensure Your Survival
Stagnant and ailing businesses need to revamp their business models and stop waiting for the slow economic recovery ahead of us all.
Planning, Preparation Matter Now More Than Ever
A business plan is important throughout the life of your business – not just at the start – and one of the crucial things you should identify in that plan is why your existing customers should and do buy from you.
Measuring Is The Key To Getting Better
Why a business is doing well or poorly is in the details. Measuring takes time and discipline, and forces management to think strategically. Subsequently measuring is often ignored. Measuring results, however, is the only way you can possibly improve upon them.
Partnering — The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Avoid the pitfalls of entering into a business partnership. A shared vision is crucial!
Working On, Not In, Your Business
Employing the discipline to consistently dedicate time in refining your business plan and planning strategically is essential to its viability! Entrepreneurs cannot let the day-to-day demands on them prevent them from taking this crucial step.
Stakeholders Can Be The Key To Success
If you are a leader in your business making plans for the coming year, part of your job is to identify all the direct and indirect stakeholders whose lives you impact, and who impact your business.