About Larry

In his new book ‘Businesses Don’t Fail. They Commit Suicide.’ Larry shares his knowledge and acute intuition about how businesses unwittingly and unknowingly self-destruct and how to avoid it.
Mandelberg, a 5th generation entrepreneur, business coach and speaker brings 150 years of experience passed from generation to generation. His analytical skills and direct communication style have led B2B businesses to growth and profitability for over 30 years. The simple yet powerful Mandelberg Vitality Index evaluates your organization’s leading indicators of success – Purpose, Performance and People – and highlights exactly where your highest return and greatest benefits will be achieved.
Larry Mandelberg is a consultant, speaker and author with “more than 150 years of combined business experience.” A natural problem solver, Larry represents the 5th generation of his family’s business. He started working at a young age where he learned from his father before and after school.
Larry is an effective catalyst for change who has solved intractable problems and achieved new levels of efficiency and success for businesses in multiple industries. A prolific writer, Larry has published more than 80 columns. His first book, Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide is scheduled for release in early 2018. A sought-after speaker, he has delivered more than 60 business-changing keynotes and workshops.
Why do you do what you do?
I want to change the way businesses work in this country. I’ve always been fascinated with why well-conceived, well-funded businesses fail so frequently; the link between the ‘human element’ and the organization as an entity. Businesses have human characteristics, e.g. a lifecycle, just like people, and the two are unalterably linked. That’s my passion, to help stop the unnecessary failures – failures caused by lack of knowledge or experience managing change.
How does this work align with your personal story?
Our family business began in the mid-1800’s selling hides and furs. I’ve owned 13 businesses ranging from construction equipment rental to auto parts to branded clothing to technology. As the leader, I felt my role was to ensure our clients received value for their investments with us. I’ve never been afraid to tell a prospect when I don’t believe I can help them.
What do you hope to accomplish for yourself, your clients, and the broader community?
For myself, sharing my research on why businesses fail and how to avoid it, for my clients, achievement of their personal dreams (vision) and those of their employees. For our community, everybody who wants a job has one they love and every employer loves their staff resulting in ‘help wanted’ ads that are as uncommon as vinyl records.
When you’re not working, what else are you doing?
Enjoying wine, food, art, and traveling.
What else should we know about you?
I am a non-recovering serial entrepreneur with a broad and diverse background. Married to Nancy for 36 years, our children are the four-legged variety. I believe every business owner has a moral obligation to support education which I’ve been doing so for most of my adult life. I’m passionate about the business of doing business and thoroughly enjoy sharing the knowledge I’ve been able to accumulate with others.
Favorite Quote
“Life is a rush into the unknown. You can duck down and hope nothing hits you; or stand as tall as you can, show it your teeth and say: ‘Dish it up, baby, and don’t be stingy with the jalapenos’.” – Grey Owl, Native American Indian
Now that you know more about Larry’s background and goals, read about his unique program for turning businesses around: