
Racing Ahead and Leaving Ideas Behind

Racing Ahead and Leaving Ideas Behind

Wordcount: 542 Time to read: 3½ minutes

It’s not about physical space, it’s about emotional and intellectual space. When time is short, it’s easy to push too hard and make people shut down. Thinking is hard work and takes time. Remember to allow space for people to think and process.

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Do We Need to Hire Ourselves?

Do We Need to Hire Ourselves?

Wordcount: 575 Time to read: 3½ minutes

It’s bad enough when an organization can’t take care of its own operational and maintenance needs. It’s much worse when improving those activities are the very products and services being offered to its customers.

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Engagement for Dummies: What, Why, How

Engagement for Dummies: What, Why, How

Wordcount: 647 Time to read: 3½ minutes

Lots of people have lots of ideas about what employee engagement is. I know it’s not about being productive or having an emotional attachment to the company. Engagement is often an ambiguous term. I passionately believe the most valuable asset any company has is its employees. Engagement is about making their work joyful.

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Authentic Feedback

Authentic Feedback

Wordcount: 760 Time to read: 4½ minutes

Getting honest feedback from staff is one of the most common complaints I hear from my ‘leader’ colleagues. The problem is rooted in the reality that penalty-free environments rarely exist. Is it possible to create a penalty free environment in a business where the questioner is the boss (or someone who has control over the career of the individual being questioned)? No. Is it realistic to even try to create one? Yes. Click here to find out how.

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Sales Talk for CEOs with Alice Heiman

Sales Talk for CEOs with Alice Heiman

The Danger of CEOs Undermining Sales.   About Sales Talk for CEOs The only podcast where CEOs talk about how they built their organization, what's working, their challenges and what the future of sales...

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Social Media: OK, so I was wrong … again?

Social Media: OK, so I was wrong … again?

Wordcount: 621 Time to read: 3½ minutes

OK, so I was wrong. Social media can work. As Charlie Brown would say, AAUGH!

I’ve used social media grudgingly, expecting nothing, only to recently find proof of value. When a referral said they’d listened to my podcasts, I knew I was screwed–it can work. Those podcasts launched our client/vendor relationship.

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Can your staff read your mind?

Can your staff read your mind?

Wordcount: 385 Time to read: 2½ minutes

In the ever-shifting landscape of modern business, having a clear sense of direction isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity. If you know what you want your organization’s present and future to look like, don’t make staff read your mind. Document it.

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Customer Service Quality? Shmality!

Customer Service Quality? Shmality!

Wordcount: 580 Time to read: 4 minutes

When it comes to delivering products and services, consistent levels of customer service outweigh all other aspects of the end-user experience. What makes a business stand out is outstanding customer service.

While there are many pieces to this puzzle, this newsletter focuses on three that are universal and foundational to building a sustainable organization.

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The Business Power Hour hosted by Deb Krier

The Business Power Hour hosted by Deb Krier

Avoiding Business Failure Larry Mandelberg is a serial entrepreneur who solves complex business problems. He provides leadership team development, change mentoring, strategic planning, executive coaching, and ethics training to midsize organizations and their boards...

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Who Empties the Trash?

Who Empties the Trash?

Wordcount: 697 Time to read: 4½ minutes

Daily operations often demand more time than there is, and routine can be comforting. Over time, and without thought, the familiarity of routine breeds complacency that inevitably leads to costly bad habits and crippling assumptions.

Are you concerned about where your organization may be wasting resources? Do you know your organization’s areas of weakness?

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Struggling to survive in a world of constant change

Struggling to survive in a world of constant change

Businesses want predictability and dependability, i.e., no change, while the world is constantly changing. This creates friction. Learning how to manage the environment and maintain a sufficient degree of stability is an art most haven’t perfected, much less realizing any need to try. Here, Mandelberg talks about how to do just that.

Wordcount: 415 Time to read: 3 minutes

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Jon Doolen, Real Conversations

Jon Doolen, Real Conversations

Larry Mandelberg - Leader, Mentor, Coach, Author If change is causing your staff grief, frustration, baldness, or acne, Larry can help. After all, nobody likes change done unto them. Everybody likes change they do unto others, and Larry knows how to flip that script....

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Whadddaya mean there’s no spare tire!

Whadddaya mean there’s no spare tire!

“Planning is an unnatural process; it is much more fun to do something. The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression.”
— Sir John Harvey Jones

Wordcount: 613 Time to read: 5 minutes

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When marketing just don’t work

When marketing just don’t work

When I say sometimes marketing don’t work, I mean it don’t work when you think you know your customer better than they know themselves. This is not an existential issue, nor is it an issue of conscious or subconscious awareness.

Wordcount: 542 Time to read: 4 minutes

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