by Larry Mandelberg | Jan 23, 2019 | Business, Business Communication, Communication, Employees, Management
Have you ever had to confront an elephant in the room? You know exactly what the phrase means–there is a problem several people know about and no one wants to discuss. In business, these elephants can bring even the mightiest organization to a grinding halt. Small...
by Larry Mandelberg | Dec 23, 2018 | Business, Decision-making, Leaders, Leadership
Leaders face subtle yet profound pressures, unseen and unfamiliar to most. They’re expected to solve problems their organizations have never faced, do so swiftly, with confidence, and little impact or cost. Pressure to perform routinely comes from three places … and...
by Larry Mandelberg | Oct 23, 2018 | Business, Business Growth, Leaders, Leadership, Management, Managers, Small Business, Staff Development, Staffing, Strategic Planning, Technology, Training Staff, Uncategorized
When it comes to change, the negative is exactly where most people tend to focus unless you help them focus on something else. Actively directing their focus is exactly the job of leadership. The best way to begin turning the sour lemons of change into sweet lemonade... by Larry Mandelberg | Aug 23, 2018 | Business, Business Growth, Decision-making, Leadership, Strategic Planning
Turning the lemons of change into lemonade begins with foresight. Some of the best paths to foresight run right through the delegation process, which is profoundly invested in and nourishing to it. The best delegation processes include asking the delegate how they...
by Larry Mandelberg | Jul 30, 2018 | Business, Business Growth, Decision-making, Economics, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized
A common perception is that a business exists to make money. While profits are critical to maintaining operations and delivering value to customers and investors, they are only one indicator of success. In my experience, profit without purpose is pointless and...