You should always assume your level of authority is out of balance with new work responsibilities, be it a situation encountered in a new position or a new project.
Management & Leadership Articles
Focus, Performance, Morale Pay Dividends
Supervisors, managers, directors, vice presidents, and even CEOs need to remember how critical it is to focus on employee performance, reward performance, and encourage morale.
If Success Causes Trouble, Nurture New Leadership
Encountering business success for the first time? Reassessing processes and procedures due to higher volume is critical. You must also cultivate leaders.
Entering The ‘Go-Go’ Zone With Your Eyes Wide Open
Those encountering their first real business success must never lose sight of the processes and procedures they put in place to build their business.
Your Focus Has Three Parts: Vision, Mission, and Values
The more time and effort you invest into focusing on your business’ vision, mission, and values, the more you move away from distraction and failure.
Delegation Can Spark Growth and Staff Development
How to grow your business through delegation and investment in staff. The care management takes in training staff is critical in delegation and to business growth.
Choose and Train Wisely When Replacing Managers
All too often replacing a vacating manager comes down to a choice between a less-than-ideal candidate or one of your top performers — two challenging and costly options.
Make Sure Meetings, E-mails Have Desired Effect
Take a few moments to absorb and apply these simple rules and watch your communications become more effective while the frustration of being misunderstood gracefully goes away.
No Leader Is Master Of Everything
Managers and leaders should not hesitate in seeking outside guidance and advice, particularly when dealing with issues they have never encountered before. The experience of others and obtaining a fresh viewpoint can save you time and help you avoid damaging consequences of poor decisions.