Profit without Purpose is Pointless

Profit without Purpose is Pointless

For any strategic objective to have a chance at success, the organization must have some sense of purpose. The founders of Microsoft (Gates), Virgin (Branson), Amazon (Bezos), and Tesla (Musk) built game-changing companies driven by like-minded people working together to fulfill a shared purpose. At the end of the day, without purpose, we live for today and tomorrow loses all promise.

Wordcount: 480 Time to read: 2½ minutes

When strategic plans fail

When strategic plans fail

As a consultant with expertise in strategic planning, I get called to help clients for one of two reasons. They’re either trying to develop their first strategic plan or tired of having them fail. For either scenario, the reasons a strategic plan, or to be more specific, a strategic objective, fails are the same.

Wordcount: 623 Time to read: 3½ minutes

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