Management & Leadership Articles

The Big P

Purpose, not Pandemic Wordcount: 685 Time to read: 3½ minutesPlaceholder “Can a business have a mind, a sub-conscious, a knack for predicting the future, reflexes faster than the speed of thought? Can a business have a spirit? Can a business have a soul? Can a...

The Pandemic Induced Economic Coma

If anybody has too much time these days, they’re just not paying attention.

Change is a state of mind

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Billy Cox Wordcount: 522 Time to read: 4 minutes As I’ve grown older and more experienced, two things stand out for me. First, the older I get, the dumber I feel....

You get to pick two

I want what I want when I want it Wordcount: 538 Time to read: 3½ minutes Last month, I wrote this BDF issue would be about balancing responsibility and authority. Sorry, I changed my mind. (sometimes that seems like it could be a wonderful experience, yes?) This...


Generation Y Changing The Work Force

Generation Y’s familiarity with technology and their unique work ethic has created a number of cultural clash points with the rest of the working population. Managers need to understand a few key points to take advantage of the best this generation has to offer.

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