Why a business is doing well or poorly is in the details. Measuring takes time and discipline, and forces management to think strategically. Subsequently measuring is often ignored. Measuring results, however, is the only way you can possibly improve upon them.
Management & Leadership Articles
Empower Employees To Be Responsible
As technology limits the need for an office, the self-management model will be the norm, not the exception. Self-management is about pushing authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels of the organization where the people doing the work can impact the work environment in real time.
Partnering — The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Avoid the pitfalls of entering into a business partnership. A shared vision is crucial!
Help Staff Stay Engaged, Energized
If you don’t have an enthused and happy staff, you have people who are just trying to survive. And you can’t build a successful business wit them.
Generation Y Changing The Work Force
Generation Y’s familiarity with technology and their unique work ethic has created a number of cultural clash points with the rest of the working population. Managers need to understand a few key points to take advantage of the best this generation has to offer.
Working On, Not In, Your Business
Employing the discipline to consistently dedicate time in refining your business plan and planning strategically is essential to its viability! Entrepreneurs cannot let the day-to-day demands on them prevent them from taking this crucial step.
Ideas Need Room To Run, With Others
Collaboration requires different roles in executing strategies. Understanding your team will allow you to best pair them for creativity, problem solving, and carry through. There are terrific resources out there to help managers gauge employee profiles.
Advice For New Leaders: Be Patient
Good leadership is situational, a moving target that defies formula. Gauge your environment, be flexible, and listen to your employees to develop trust.
Stakeholders Can Be The Key To Success
If you are a leader in your business making plans for the coming year, part of your job is to identify all the direct and indirect stakeholders whose lives you impact, and who impact your business.
Good business plan serves as a road map of company’s goals
In general terms, a good business plan is a “must read” for all people involved with the company.The three most common audiences are your banker, your investors, and your staff — the people charged with executing it.
Change can be rewarding journey with solid leadership, training
Changes in business practices can be a real challenge to Managers as they work with their employees to embrace the changes. Staff are often resistant to any change. Look for those who see your vision and embrace it — they will be your champions.
Generalist or specialist: Know difference to help workers succeed
A business can either thrive or struggle based on how you utilize talent. Know how to analyze your employees to best match them with teams and responsibilities within the organization.