Managers Articles

In Defense of Disruption

Wordcount: 810 Time to read: 4 minutes Over the years, I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to watch too many large and small organizations at the top of their game suffer. When they side-stepped disruption, they were outflanked by competition free from tradition or...

Change is a state of mind

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Billy Cox Wordcount: 522 Time to read: 4 minutes As I’ve grown older and more experienced, two things stand out for me. First, the older I get, the dumber I feel....


When it comes to change, the negative is exactly where most people tend to focus unless you help them focus on something else. Actively directing their focus is exactly the job of leadership. The best way to begin turning the sour lemons of change into sweet lemonade...


The different ways people react to change can be entertaining. One example is when I open a workshop by asking, “How many of you believe people like change?” while raising my hand high over my head. Everyone in the room looks at me like I’m crazy and typically, one or...


Generation Y Changing The Work Force

Generation Y’s familiarity with technology and their unique work ethic has created a number of cultural clash points with the rest of the working population. Managers need to understand a few key points to take advantage of the best this generation has to offer.

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