The mindset of a buyer is much different than that of a seller. The buyer tends to be focused on “what’s in it for me,” whereas the seller tends to focus on the technical aspects of “what we do”. Business needs to understand why customers buy from them so they can focus their marketing efforts on those emotions.
Small Business Articles
Focus on the Positive to Help Your Staff
Create a mindset in the work place that is encouraging and embraces change. Everyone in this tough economy is either having a hard time or is scared at losing it all. It is time for criticism to be more unusual and praise to be more common.
Blogging Is Inexpensive, Easy, Essential
Embrace social media tools for your business. Become an adviser in your field to increase your profile.
Stay Quiet, Listen To Make A Connection
Silence is a golden opportunity to learn more about your potential customers and clients. Listen and observe those you meet.
Partnering — The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Avoid the pitfalls of entering into a business partnership. A shared vision is crucial!
It’s Not Just Who You Know, But Who Knows You
Business development, advertising, marketing, and public relations are all about growing the number of people who know you and your business. Become a resource for information for your clients and industry to increase your profile.
Being Green Means More Green For You
The most common problem of being environmentally conscious is the cost; it’s expensive to be green. That’s obviously a true statement if you look at the short term. However, being green is by far the most profitable strategy for running your business and can lend itself to business opportunities.
Help Staff Stay Engaged, Energized
If you don’t have an enthused and happy staff, you have people who are just trying to survive. And you can’t build a successful business wit them.
Working On, Not In, Your Business
Employing the discipline to consistently dedicate time in refining your business plan and planning strategically is essential to its viability! Entrepreneurs cannot let the day-to-day demands on them prevent them from taking this crucial step.
Stakeholders Can Be The Key To Success
If you are a leader in your business making plans for the coming year, part of your job is to identify all the direct and indirect stakeholders whose lives you impact, and who impact your business.
Change with the times or get left behind
How can business best plan for growth and success in these tough economic times? Creatively tapping into the talent pool that exists due to the current economic times is an excellent first step. Business should also make better use of the experience and creativity of staff and even clients.
If Success Causes Trouble, Nurture New Leadership
Encountering business success for the first time? Reassessing processes and procedures due to higher volume is critical. You must also cultivate leaders.