Leadership is … ???

Leadership is … ???

The debate over what makes a good leader serves no purpose and has no value. The right questions are, what are the attributes of the best leaders, which apply to my role as a leader, and how do I develop the ones I don’t have. For some answers and guidance, please read more.
Wordcount: 498 Time to read: 3 minutes

We need staff!

We need staff!

Tired of looking for staff and finding ten “maybe” candidates for every “WOW” candidate? According to Einstein, doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. If you want to get consistently better candidates (different results), you have to try something different. In this issue, Larry offers three concrete ideas.
Wordcount: 833 Time to read: 4½ minutes

You Don’t Know Your Customer

You Don’t Know Your Customer

When you being to believe you understand your customers needs is when you begin to lose sight of who your customer is. The demands on your customers that create change in their world can be completely hidden from yours. Ensuring you fully understand what drives your customers, over time, helps ensure you know who they really are.

Wordcount: 599 Time to read: 3 minutes

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