Strategic Planning Articles

The Pandemic Induced Economic Coma

If anybody has too much time these days, they’re just not paying attention.

Change is a state of mind

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Billy Cox Wordcount: 522 Time to read: 4 minutes As I’ve grown older and more experienced, two things stand out for me. First, the older I get, the dumber I feel....

Can you lead without a vision?

As Yogi Bera once said, “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” Wordcount: 427 Time to read: 3 minutes I find the volume of information delivered through social media and the pace of delivery exhausting. Meteoric growth has amped human...

Symptoms Masquerading as Issues

Symptoms masquerading as issues are one of the pitfalls of success.


No Leader Is Master Of Everything

Managers and leaders should not hesitate in seeking outside guidance and advice, particularly when dealing with issues they have never encountered before. The experience of others and obtaining a fresh viewpoint can save you time and help you avoid damaging consequences of poor decisions.

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