Management & Leadership Articles

Are you waiting for trouble?

A business satisfied with its success that stops trying to improve screams “We’re patiently waiting to be overtaken.” and signals the competition to attack. Why would any business do that? Sadly, that’s what most do. When times are good, a business has the time, money, and resources to work on areas of weakness and look for ways to maintain its dominance. That’s when proactive changes should be made, not when times are tough and you have no choice. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Wordcount: 428, Time to read: 3 minutes

The optimist, the pessimist, and the engineer

Wordcount: 543       Time to read: ~3 minutes
If an optimist sees a glass half full…
In business, most choices are clouded in grey while decisions are often reinforced by perspective. Don’t let your perspective obscure others and become your jail. Always be open to different ways of thinking.

Businesses don’t fail, leaders do

Wordcount: 814 Time to read: 4 minutes On New Year’s Day, 2021, CNN Senior Political Analyst John Avlon began a segment with “The pandemic touched every part of the economy in 2020.” What I heard on my head was every part of the economy suffered in 2020 because of the...

In Defense of Disruption

Wordcount: 810 Time to read: 4 minutes Over the years, I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to watch too many large and small organizations at the top of their game suffer. When they side-stepped disruption, they were outflanked by competition free from tradition or...


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