
Implementing Business Values

Implementing Business Values

(Part 3 of 3) Reaping the benefits described in last month’s newsletter depends on your business’ values being respected, embraced, followed, and modeled by leadership and staff. Before values can impact culture, they must first be used consciously, consistently, and...

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7 Ways Business Values Create Profits

7 Ways Business Values Create Profits

(Part 2 of 3) The biggest problem I see with business values is when leadership puts them on a poster and ignores them. When staff and customers see no connection or correlation between company values and leadership behavior, or as basis for management decisions, you...

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Culture by Design

Culture by Design

(Part 1 of 3) When babies are borne, they come complete with their own set of fingers, toes, and, to their parents’ joy & frustration, their very own personality. So too, from the moment of conception, each business has its own culture. The simultaneous...

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Value of Failure

Value of Failure

Sam Walton once stated that his ability to make good decisions was developed by making bad ones. Many decisions are made with insufficient data or experience. Ultimately, we make decisions based on the experiences and knowledge we’ve accumulated. I find most people...

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When an elephant is in the room

When an elephant is in the room

Have you ever had to confront an elephant in the room? You know exactly what the phrase means–there is a problem several people know about and no one wants to discuss. In business, these elephants can bring even the mightiest organization to a grinding halt. Small...

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Leadership & Pressure to Perform

Leadership & Pressure to Perform

Leaders face subtle yet profound pressures, unseen and unfamiliar to most. They’re expected to solve problems their organizations have never faced, do so swiftly, with confidence, and little impact or cost. Pressure to perform routinely comes from three places … and...

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When it comes to change, the negative is exactly where most people tend to focus unless you help them focus on something else. Actively directing their focus is exactly the job of leadership. The best way to begin turning the sour lemons of change into sweet lemonade...

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Foresight & Lemons of Change

Turning the lemons of change into lemonade begins with foresight. Some of the best paths to foresight run right through the delegation process, which is profoundly invested in and nourishing to it. The best delegation processes include asking the delegate how they...

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Profits or Purpose

Profits or Purpose

A common perception is that a business exists to make money. While profits are critical to maintaining operations and delivering value to customers and investors, they are only one indicator of success. In my experience, profit without purpose is pointless and...

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The different ways people react to change can be entertaining. One example is when I open a workshop by asking, “How many of you believe people like change?” while raising my hand high over my head. Everyone in the room looks at me like I’m crazy and typically, one or...

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The Arc of Success

The Arc of Success

When a business is born, it begins with an idea for a product or service the founders believe will be of value. From that point forward, the business, if it survives, will embark on the Arc of success, a series of five stages of organizational development....

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When Delegation Fails

When Delegation Fails

Delegation is an important activity in every organization, yet I rarely speak with anyone who’s been formally trained. In my experience, most people were introduced to delegation by watching their mother delegate “chores”–a model that doesn’t translate well to a...

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