
Leadership is … ???

Leadership is … ???

The debate over what makes a good leader serves no purpose and has no value. The right questions are, what are the attributes of the best leaders, which apply to my role as a leader, and how do I develop the ones I don’t have. For some answers and guidance, please read more.
Wordcount: 498 Time to read: 3 minutes

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We need staff!

We need staff!

Tired of looking for staff and finding ten “maybe” candidates for every “WOW” candidate? According to Einstein, doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. If you want to get consistently better candidates (different results), you have to try something different. In this issue, Larry offers three concrete ideas.
Wordcount: 833 Time to read: 4½ minutes

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You Don’t Know Your Customer

You Don’t Know Your Customer

When you being to believe you understand your customers needs is when you begin to lose sight of who your customer is. The demands on your customers that create change in their world can be completely hidden from yours. Ensuring you fully understand what drives your customers, over time, helps ensure you know who they really are.

Wordcount: 599 Time to read: 3 minutes

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Business Schools Don’t Teach You How to Run a Business

Business Schools Don’t Teach You How to Run a Business

The first time every new leader takes charge, they quickly realize how ill-prepared their education left them. As humorously depicted in the Rodney Dangerfield film, Back To School, running a business ain’t as simple as it might seem. This installment talks about the pitfalls and provides some useful tips.

Wordcount: 844 Time to read: 5 minutes

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Profit without Purpose is Pointless

Profit without Purpose is Pointless

For any strategic objective to have a chance at success, the organization must have some sense of purpose. The founders of Microsoft (Gates), Virgin (Branson), Amazon (Bezos), and Tesla (Musk) built game-changing companies driven by like-minded people working together to fulfill a shared purpose. At the end of the day, without purpose, we live for today and tomorrow loses all promise.

Wordcount: 480 Time to read: 2½ minutes

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When strategic plans fail

When strategic plans fail

As a consultant with expertise in strategic planning, I get called to help clients for one of two reasons. They’re either trying to develop their first strategic plan or tired of having them fail. For either scenario, the reasons a strategic plan, or to be more specific, a strategic objective, fails are the same.

Wordcount: 623 Time to read: 3½ minutes

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Chat & Spin Radio

Chat & Spin Radio About Chat & Spin Radio We’ve been offering continuous programming as a 24-hour, non-profit Internet radio station for a decade. Our station serves a diversified audience both in the UK and throughout the world, with a weekly...

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Hidden Recruiting Benefits of Business Values

Hidden Recruiting Benefits of Business Values

Values are the bricks and like-mindedness is the mortar of organizational culture. When you and I have common values, we automatically have common ground. Common ground is where we can respect one another and find enjoyment working together. Enjoyment creates an emotional draw that attracts people.

Wordcount: 391 Time to read: 2 minutes

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TransLeadership – Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks

TransLeadership – Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks

“Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide”: Larry Mandelberg Interview Larry Mandelberg, the author of “Businesses Don’t Fail: They Commit Suicide” is a serial entrepreneur with more than 150 years of inherited business knowledge from his family’s businesses. As a...

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Nobody knows anything

Nobody knows anything

Nobody knows which ideas will succeed until one does. Success stories are often written off as bad ideas that won’t work by the experts before they’ve been tried or tested. How do you answer the question “How will COVID affect my business?” Read this post and find out!

Wordcount: 578 Time to read: 3 minutes

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The client who fired me

The client who fired me

Sometimes the cost of not planning is negligible. Sometimes it’s expensive. The ease and speed with which a lack of planning can become fatal is almost impossible to grasp or prepare for. When it happens, game over.

Wordcount: 668 Time to read: 3½ minutes

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The Holy Grail of Business

The Holy Grail of Business

Do you want the successful organization you’ve built to survive when you and your leadership team are gone? Then you’re looking for the Holy Grail of business too. Read this post to find out how to create sustainable, profitable growth with generational sustainability.

Wordcount: 524       Time to read: 3 minutes

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How to avoid business suicide–part 4a

How to avoid business suicide–part 4a

There are big business tactics small businesses will never be able to use. That’s not true for one of the most powerful. Small businesses tend to let themselves be overwhelmed by the urgent, failing to anticipate, plan, and prepare for the inevitable changes they will face if they survive and succeed.

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Are you waiting for trouble?

Are you waiting for trouble?

A business satisfied with its success that stops trying to improve screams “We’re patiently waiting to be overtaken.” and signals the competition to attack. Why would any business do that? Sadly, that’s what most do. When times are good, a business has the time, money, and resources to work on areas of weakness and look for ways to maintain its dominance. That’s when proactive changes should be made, not when times are tough and you have no choice. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Wordcount: 428, Time to read: 3 minutes

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Confidentiality [CONFIDENTIAL!]

Confidentiality [CONFIDENTIAL!]

Wordcount: 723                      Time to read: 4 minutes         According to Martin Uzochukwu Ugwu, “Confidentiality is a delicate bargain of trust.” The world is a cauldron of information, hot and bubbling with juicy details from all corners of the planet. More...

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The optimist, the pessimist, and the engineer

The optimist, the pessimist, and the engineer

Wordcount: 543       Time to read: ~3 minutes
If an optimist sees a glass half full…
In business, most choices are clouded in grey while decisions are often reinforced by perspective. Don’t let your perspective obscure others and become your jail. Always be open to different ways of thinking.

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Businesses don’t fail, leaders do

Businesses don’t fail, leaders do

Wordcount: 814 Time to read: 4 minutes On New Year’s Day, 2021, CNN Senior Political Analyst John Avlon began a segment with “The pandemic touched every part of the economy in 2020.” What I heard on my head was every part of the economy suffered in 2020 because of the...

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