Good Help Is Hard To Find, Retain, Replace
A how-to on retaining staff, one of the most important and costly aspects of your business!
A how-to on retaining staff, one of the most important and costly aspects of your business!
Moving your organization from an entrepreneurial firm toward a more controllable, predictable, professional organization can be a challenge. Manage your business strategically.
A successful family business is possible with clear boundaries and well defined systems and structure. Formalize and document your processes and hold family and non-family staff to the same expectations.
Branching out and opening a second franchise or storefront presents exciting opportunities and requires specific considerations to be successful. Before that grand opening, take on board business consultant Larry Mandelberg’s experience and advice.
The two things that set any business apart from another similar business are staff and input from advisers. A board makes your organization accountable to an external group of knowledgeable businesspeople and will drive you to make better business decisions.