Advice For New Leaders: Be Patient
Good leadership is situational, a moving target that defies formula. Gauge your environment, be flexible, and listen to your employees to develop trust.
Stakeholders Can Be The Key To Success
If you are a leader in your business making plans for the coming year, part of your job is to identify all the direct and indirect stakeholders whose lives you impact, and who impact your business.
Change with the times or get left behind
How can business best plan for growth and success in these tough economic times? Creatively tapping into the talent pool that exists due to the current economic times is an excellent first step. Business should also make better use of the experience and creativity of staff and even clients.
Good business plan serves as a road map of company’s goals
In general terms, a good business plan is a “must read” for all people involved with the company.The three most common audiences are your banker, your investors, and your staff — the people charged with executing it.
Change can be rewarding journey with solid leadership, training
Changes in business practices can be a real challenge to Managers as they work with their employees to embrace the changes. Staff are often resistant to any change. Look for those who see your vision and embrace it — they will be your champions.
Generalist or specialist: Know difference to help workers succeed
A business can either thrive or struggle based on how you utilize talent. Know how to analyze your employees to best match them with teams and responsibilities within the organization.
Balancing Responsibility and Authority – Key To Success
You should always assume your level of authority is out of balance with new work responsibilities, be it a situation encountered in a new position or a new project.
Focus, Performance, Morale Pay Dividends
Supervisors, managers, directors, vice presidents, and even CEOs need to remember how critical it is to focus on employee performance, reward performance, and encourage morale.
If Success Causes Trouble, Nurture New Leadership
Encountering business success for the first time? Reassessing processes and procedures due to higher volume is critical. You must also cultivate leaders.
Entering The ‘Go-Go’ Zone With Your Eyes Wide Open
Those encountering their first real business success must never lose sight of the processes and procedures they put in place to build their business.
Execs Make Better Decisions With Help of Peer Groups
Participating in peer groups and industry associations offer an opportunity to build your credibility and boost your business profile.
Your Focus Has Three Parts: Vision, Mission, and Values
The more time and effort you invest into focusing on your business’ vision, mission, and values, the more you move away from distraction and failure.
Create a Solid Strategic Plan and Follow Through On It
Tips and motivation for those seeking personal and business success.
Delegation Can Spark Growth and Staff Development
How to grow your business through delegation and investment in staff. The care management takes in training staff is critical in delegation and to business growth.
Choose and Train Wisely When Replacing Managers
All too often replacing a vacating manager comes down to a choice between a less-than-ideal candidate or one of your top performers — two challenging and costly options.
Make Sure Meetings, E-mails Have Desired Effect
Take a few moments to absorb and apply these simple rules and watch your communications become more effective while the frustration of being misunderstood gracefully goes away.
Penalty-Free Environment Provides Safe Haven for Training
New processes, skills, software and equipment create situations where individuals are not comfortable because they have little or no experience. You can overcome this roadblock by mastering the penalty-free environment.
Build A Bridge To Span The Economic Pit
Today’s economy has given business owners and managers a new reality: a loss of their target clients and the need to reassess their business models to find new targets. It is reassess and float or keep business as usual and drown.
No Leader Is Master Of Everything
Managers and leaders should not hesitate in seeking outside guidance and advice, particularly when dealing with issues they have never encountered before. The experience of others and obtaining a fresh viewpoint can save you time and help you avoid damaging consequences of poor decisions.