Make Your Technology Work For You
Reviewing your business operations includes looking at your I.T. Establish what is actually working for you and stop wasting time with what is not. There are often inexpensive options that can see you profit the most from your technology.
Get Organized To Create More Time In Your Day
Many people are energized by the confusion and stress of impending deadlines, but over the long haul, you will not be able to use your limited time wisely if you work in an unorganized environment.
Recession Has Taken A Toll On Service
Customer service has been hit by the recession and still struggles to make a full come back. How can small businesses cope and encourage staff?
Planning, Preparation Matter Now More Than Ever
A business plan is important throughout the life of your business – not just at the start – and one of the crucial things you should identify in that plan is why your existing customers should and do buy from you.
Giving Away Something Of Value Could Bring in Cash
The fastest way to increase sales is to give away something of value. Not something you think is valuable; something your target market thinks is valuable.
Send Workers Home To Boost Productivity
How can business successfully create virtual positions? Telecommuting has proven itself as a good business practice by helping to reduce turnover, improve morale, increase productivity, and often reduce costs. Larry Mandelberg outlines three key aspects managers should heed in creating virtual positions.
Measuring Is The Key To Getting Better
Why a business is doing well or poorly is in the details. Measuring takes time and discipline, and forces management to think strategically. Subsequently measuring is often ignored. Measuring results, however, is the only way you can possibly improve upon them.
Why Do Customers Buy From You?
The mindset of a buyer is much different than that of a seller. The buyer tends to be focused on “what’s in it for me,” whereas the seller tends to focus on the technical aspects of “what we do”. Business needs to understand why customers buy from them so they can focus their marketing efforts on those emotions.
Empower Employees To Be Responsible
As technology limits the need for an office, the self-management model will be the norm, not the exception. Self-management is about pushing authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels of the organization where the people doing the work can impact the work environment in real time.
Focus on the Positive to Help Your Staff
Create a mindset in the work place that is encouraging and embraces change. Everyone in this tough economy is either having a hard time or is scared at losing it all. It is time for criticism to be more unusual and praise to be more common.
Blogging Is Inexpensive, Easy, Essential
Embrace social media tools for your business. Become an adviser in your field to increase your profile.
Stay Quiet, Listen To Make A Connection
Silence is a golden opportunity to learn more about your potential customers and clients. Listen and observe those you meet.
Partnering — The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Avoid the pitfalls of entering into a business partnership. A shared vision is crucial!
It’s Not Just Who You Know, But Who Knows You
Business development, advertising, marketing, and public relations are all about growing the number of people who know you and your business. Become a resource for information for your clients and industry to increase your profile.
Being Green Means More Green For You
The most common problem of being environmentally conscious is the cost; it’s expensive to be green. That’s obviously a true statement if you look at the short term. However, being green is by far the most profitable strategy for running your business and can lend itself to business opportunities.
Help Staff Stay Engaged, Energized
If you don’t have an enthused and happy staff, you have people who are just trying to survive. And you can’t build a successful business wit them.
Generation Y Changing The Work Force
Generation Y’s familiarity with technology and their unique work ethic has created a number of cultural clash points with the rest of the working population. Managers need to understand a few key points to take advantage of the best this generation has to offer.
Working On, Not In, Your Business
Employing the discipline to consistently dedicate time in refining your business plan and planning strategically is essential to its viability! Entrepreneurs cannot let the day-to-day demands on them prevent them from taking this crucial step.
Ideas Need Room To Run, With Others
Collaboration requires different roles in executing strategies. Understanding your team will allow you to best pair them for creativity, problem solving, and carry through. There are terrific resources out there to help managers gauge employee profiles.
Belonging to Professional Associations Helps Make Connections
Associations and groups help provide insights and develop a support system. Networking online is important, however face-to-face interaction is critical to your business’ success.